Mindfulness Meditation Evenings
at MPC (Minfulness Practice Center) Montréal, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montréal
Contribution: 5$

Monday, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: non religious and non sectarian evening; activities include silent sitting and walking meditation, teachings and exchange on the art of mindful living. Facilitator: Lucie Dumoulin (former editor of Guide Ressources magasine and a member of 6 years with the CML)

Tuesday, from 7:00 am to 8:00 am: morning meditation session include 2 sitting meditation periods with a walking meditation in between. Facilitator: Hélène Berthiaume (a membre of 6 years with the CML)

Wednesday, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: buddhist evening; activities include silent sitting and walking meditation, chanting, dharma talks and dharma discussions. Facilitator: Lily Gozlan (a member of Thich Nhat Hanh Order of Interbeing)

Friday, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: depending on the week, activities include: visioning of Thay video followed by dharma discussion; or total relaxation followed by the 3 or the 5 touchings of the earth. Facilitator: Estelle Lamothe (a member of Thich Nhat Hanh Order of Interbeing)

On the first monday and tuesday of the month, at 6:15 pm: Introduction for new practitionners.

(back to CML Montreal)

Conferences, Days of Mindfulness and Mindfulness retreats with  Chan Huy
Janvier Février Mars Avril Mai  Juin  Juillet Août SeptOct.  Nov. Déc. 2002
2000; 2001 programs for information)

16 décembre 2001

Right thinking: A day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-591-8726 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                   return  





27 janvier 2002

Right Mindfulness:  A day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-591-8726  or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                return  



1 - 3 février 2002

Peace in Oneself, Peace in the World: a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy at Windsong Retreat Center, Pittsboro , North Carolina, USA. For information: Kimmy Le, 919-272-5020, email KimmyNC@CS.Com; or Gail O'Brien, 919-833-4027, email Gail_Obrien@ncsu.edu                                            retour

15 -17 février 2002

Cultivating Peace and Nonviolence at Home and in the World : a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy at the Barsana Dham Ashram  in A ustin, Texas, USA. For information: Terry Masters terrymas@swbell.net or George Farmer geofarm@austin.rr.com   retour

24 février 2002

Right Speech : a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-591-8726   or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com               return

16 - 17 mars 2002

The Heart of the Buddha a mindfulness retreat (2nd of 2) led by Chan Huy at Villa Saint Martin, 9451 boul. Gouin Ouest, Pierrefonds, Québec, CANADA. For informations, tel: 514-272-2832 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com . To download the brochure and the registration form (MS-Word version): retreats 2001-2002                        retour



22 - 24  mars 2002

Mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy for the OI members and leaders of the Beginner's Mind sangha, Boise, ID, USA. For informations: Michele Tae 208-383-9616   mtae@cmnthrd.com    retour



12-14 avril 2002

A Lotus in a Sea of Fire : a retreat led by Chan Huy with the Still Water Sangha at La Casa de Maria , Santa Barbara, California, USA. For information: Chris Dawkins (805) 964-7372, maitri@101freeway.net        return

21 avril 2002

Right Effort : a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-272-2832 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                  retour

27 avril 2002

Touching the earth: a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy with the Laughing Rivers CML of Pittsburgh at the Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road, Pittsburgh, PA (South Hills), USA. For information: P.L. Redshaw: 724-822-5694 PLRedshaw@aol.com - or - Tony Sylvester : 412-624-5080 tonys@pitt.edu     return

3 - 5 mai 2002

Creating a culture of Peace and Non-Violence: a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy at Providence Centre , Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA.             return

26 mai 2002

Right Concentration : a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-272-2832 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                  return

30 - 31 mai 2002

Buddhist workshop on Death and Dying at the Provincial Convention for Palliative Care Workers, Rivière du Loup, Québec, Canada. tel: 514-272-2832  retour



1 - 21 juin 2002

Les Mains du Bouddha : 21 day retreat in Plum Village with Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh and the monastic community of Plum Village. info@plumvillage.org

16 juin  2002

Right Livelihood: a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-272-2832 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                 return









Sept. 29,  2002

Mindful breathing  Day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-272-2832 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                 return

Oct. 4-6th, 2002

(theme to come): a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy with the Laughing Rivers CML of Pittsburgh, at the Franciscan Spirit & Life Center, 3605 McRoberts Road, Pittsburgh, PA (South Hills), USA. For information: Katie Hammond : 412-243-1545 katielearning@aol.com - or - Tony Sylvester : 412-624-5080 tonys@pitt.edu                         return

Oct. 20th,  2002

Mindfulness of the body  Day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-272-2832 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                 return

Oct. 24 -27th, 2002

(Theme to come):  a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy with the Beginner's Mind Sangha in Boise, ID, USA. The retreat will be held at Soldier's Mountain resort, Fairfield, ID, USA. For informations: Michele Tae 208-383-9616; Chris Lammer 208-387-1776 lammer@mse-environmental.com or Dane Lyons 208-585-3652 ddslyons@aol.com                    return

Nov. 1st-3rd , 2002

Lotus in a Sea of Fire: a mindfulness retreat with Chan Huy and The Community of Mindful Living, Heartland Sangha, Kansas City  , at Conception Abbey, Conception, MO, USA. For information: David and Bethany Klug tel: 816-333-3043, email: DBKlug@SprintMail.com                  Registration form and other informations        retour

Nov. 8-10th, 2002

A mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy in Portland, Oregon, USA. For  informations: Leslie Brunker, email: litenup@ipinc.net





Nov. 30 - Dec. 1st,  2002

Anapanasati sutra : Joy and Happiness, here and now a weekend mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy at Villa Marguerite, 9409 boul. Gouin Ouest, Pierrefonds, Québec, Canada. For information, tel: 514-272-2832, email: mpcmontreal@hotmail.com

Dec. 15th, 2002

Mindfulness of feelings Day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal Mindfulness Practice Center, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. tel: 514-272-2832 or email mpcmontreal@hotmail.com                 return