Mindfulness Meditation Weekly Activities (French)
at MPC (Minfulness Practice Center) Montréal, 5867 Saint Hubert, Montréal
Contribution: 5$

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm: activities include: sitting and walking meditation, total relaxation (Sundays only), Sutras readings (except Mondays), teachings and/or sharings.
Note: the Thursdays evenings are held in English.
Tuesday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm:
stress reduction workshop with Robert Béliveau, md (tel: 514-353-4906) at 5750 Rosemont, corner of Rosemont and Lacordaire.
Every first Monday of the month at 6:00 pm: Introduction session for newcomers.

2007-2008 Days of Mindfulness and Mindfulness retreats with Chan Huy (French page)

2000; 20012002; 2003;  2004; 2005 ; 2006 ; 2006-07 programs for information)

30 Sep 07

Stepping into freedom: a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal  

19-21 Oct 07

"Cultivating Peace Within": The Heartland Community of Mindful Living will host a weekend residential mindfulness meditation retreat with Dharma teacher Chan Huy October 19 – 21, 2007 at the Marillac Center in Leavenworth KS, near Kansas City. For information: www.MindfulnessKC.org

28 Oct 07

Time: a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal

2-4 Nov 07

Solid as a mountain: cultivating solidity and peace in our lives: a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy with the Laughing Rivers Community of Mindful Living, at Kearns Spiritual Center - Conference and Retreat Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. For information: Tony 412-624-5080 tonys@pitt.edu, or Martha 412-824-9873 martha@panta-rhei.com          retour

16-18 Nov

Relationship with our loved ones: a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy with the Montreal Community of Mindful Living at Villa St-Martin, 9451 boul. Gouin Ouest, Pierrefonds, Québec, Canada. For information, tel: 514-272-2832 , email: mpcmontreal 

16 Dec 07

Money: a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal

20 Jan 08

Guilt:a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal

24 Fev

Love:a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal

7-9 Mar 08

Theme to come: a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy with the Plum Blossom Sangha , Austin, Texas at McKinney Roughs Nature Park, Bastrop, Texas, USA. For information: Terry Masters terrymas@swbell.net, tel : 512 272-9900 ou rhonda@plumblossomsangha.org

28-30 Mar 08

Forgiveness:  a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy with the Montreal Community of Mindful Living at Villa St-Martin, 9451 boul. Gouin Ouest, Pierrefonds, Québec, Canada. For information, tel: 514-272-2832 , email: mpcmontreal

18-20 Apr 08

Theme to come: une retraite de pleine conscience dirigée par Chan Huy avec la Laughing Rivers Community of Mindful Living, au Kearns Spiritual Center - Conference and Retreat Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Pour information: Tony 412-624-5080 tonys@pitt.edu, or Martha 412-824-9873 martha@panta-rhei.com

27 Avr 08

Death:a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal

1-4 Mai 08

Theme to come: a mindfulness retreat led by Chan Huy with the Beginner's Mind Sangha, Boise, ID, USA at Nazareth Center, Boise, ID, USA. For information: Michele Tae 208-383-9616 or Tom Sarriugarte tsarriug@cableone.net

25 Mai 08

Suffering:a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal

22 Juin 08

Steadiness: a day of mindfulness led by Chan Huy at the Montreal MPC (Mindfulness Practice Center), 5867 Saint Hubert, Montreal, Quebec, Canadatel: 514-272-2832 email: mpcmontreal